In 2012 a provision was added to the Commission’s authorizing statute (ref: Section 311, aka “MAP 21” authority) that allows other federal agencies to transfer funds to the Commission whereupon the funds, regardless of source, become no-year funds available until expended. In recent years the Commission has used this tool to assist other agencies implement projects and initiatives in rural Alaska that are complementary to the Commission’s mission. Examples include funds from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for rural Alaska health and drinking water related studies. Examples include:
- Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime for Tribal Victims of Crime Services
- Environmental Protection Agency for Rural Backhaul Services,
- Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy STEM Education, Technical Assistance, and Energy Sustainability and Literacy,
- USDA Forest Service biomass heating projects
- USDA-Rural Utility Service for High Energy Cost Grants for bulk fuel, power plant, intertie and other energy related projects
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for rural Alaska health and drinking water related studies.
The Commission’s approved FY2018 and 2019 Work Plans included up to $250,000 of discretionary funds for Health Care, Housing and/or Work Force Development projects. In 2018 $220,000 of these funds were used to support the construction of a new Wellness Center in Nome, and $30,000 for Hospital/Clinic integration planning in Cordova. If you have questions or would like to discuss further, please contact us at 907-271-1414.