Statement of Interest: Match/Gap Funding Assistance for Surface Transportation Projects
November 26, 2024
The Denali Commission is inviting statements of interest for rural Alaska transportation projects in need of local match or gap funding assistance. Many Alaska communities lack the tax base of resources necessary to meet cost share requirements. This opportunity seeks to provide funding to cover local match needs or address funding gaps, facilitating the completion of surface transportation projects, and supporting infrastructure development in rural communities.
Please read the entire posted notice for information regarding eligible applicants and projects, as well as the review and evaluation process.
Direct questions to Janet Davis, Grants Officer, [email protected] or Nikki Navio, Transportation Program Manager, [email protected].
Send a copy of your Statement of Interest Form to the Commission via email at [email protected].
Denali Commission Announces Invitation for Statements of Interest for FY25 Non-Federal Match Funding Opportunity
November 27, 2024
Denali Commission is accepting Statements of Interest for rural Alaska infrastructure projects in need of local match or non-federal cost share for other federal funding. This opportunity aims to provide financial support to meet local match requirements, enabling infrastructure projects in rural areas that often face challenges in securing funding for critical needs such as energy, healthcare, community wellness, climate resilience, broadband, housing, and sanitation. Please note that transportation projects are not eligible for this opportunity. This limited solicitation is funded with a $7M Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 grant from the State of Alaska to the Denali Commission. Applications will be processed on a rolling basis; the maximum award amount is $1M. This funding announcement is building off the success of the FY24 Non-Federal Match funding opportunity.
The unprecedented funding environment created by the passage of BIL and IRA has generated abundant opportunity for critical infrastructure projects across Alaska. Many of the new or expanded funding programs, however, require a funding match by the applicant that is so burdensome it has been a barrier for Alaska’s tribes and cities to successfully secure competitive and formula driven funding. To help overcome that barrier, the Denali Commission partnered with the State of Alaska in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 to issue a special funding opportunity specifically targeting the match burden of other federal funding opportunities. With the Denali Commission’s unique authority to meet the non-federal cost share match requirement of other federal agencies and a $5M grant from the State of Alaska, the Denali Commission managed a competitive funding opportunity between December 2023 and March 2024, soliciting applications for funding requests to support the match requirement of other federal funding secured or pending.
The Commission’s FY24 Non-Federal Match funding opportunity:
- Yielded 34 Statements of Interest
- Invited 23 applications totaling approximately $10.5M in requested funding
- Recommended 15 projects for funding
- Leveraged more than $60M of other federal funding and $7M of other match funding
- Demonstrated a strong appetite among Alaska’s cities, tribes, and non-profits for help meeting match requirements that unlock federal dollars for critical infrastructure projects

For more information about the Denali Commission’s Non-Federal Match funding opportunity, please call or email Janet Davis, Grants Officer: [email protected], 907-271-3036.
Denali Commission 2024 Funding Opportunity Announcement Final Project Recommendations:
On January 17, 2024, the Denali Commission published a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Work Plan and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Program Grants. The purpose of this opportunity is to develop and improve infrastructure throughout rural Alaska. The Commission sought grant applications for a variety of projects.
By the application deadline, April 12, 2024, the Commission received 163 applications requesting nearly $133 million. The conclusion of this process is expected to produce more than $32 million in awards to 57 projects via a combination of FY 2024 annual appropriations and IIJA funds in accordance with the Commission’s approved workplans.Applicants were notified of the FOA outcome in August 2024, and funding is expected to be available via executed grant agreements by January 2025. More details about applications selected for funding are inthe table below.

Denali Commission FY24 Unified Funding Opportunity Quick Facts:
- $173,371,481 Funding Leveraged by Selected Projects
- 163 Total Eligible Applications Received
- $132,754,695 in Total Requested Funding
- 57 Selected Projects Recommended for Funding
- $38,474,842 Funding Requested from Selected Applicants
- $32,111,800 Funding Recommended for Selected Projects
The Commission completed its review of Fiscal Year 2023 Funding Opportunity Announcement applications, and notification letters were distributed starting July 17, 2023. Successful applications can be found on the list provided here.
The Commission completed its review of Fiscal Year 2022 Funding Opportunity Announcement applications, and the notification letters were distributed starting August 15, 2022. Successful applications can be found on the list provided here.
If you have a project you’d like to discuss with the Commission, please contact the appropriate Program Manager from our list of staff: Other funding support can be found at and