This document constitutes The Denali Commission’s Record of Decision (ROD) for the Mertarvik Infrastructure Development Project, in compliance with agency implementing regulations at 45 CFR 900 for the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended. The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) that informs this decision provided an in-depth analysis of the alternatives considered to achieve the purpose and need for the Federal action. This ROD documents the Denali Commission’s decision and rationale for supporting construction of all critical infrastructure elements required to support the long-term occupation of a new 605-acre village site that will accommodate the residents of the Village of Newtok, Alaska, in accordance with the Newtok Village Council’s (NVC) proposed action as described and analyzed in the accompanying FEIS. Specific infrastructure elements potentially funded and/or constructed, and the fiscal year in which they will be funded and/or constructed, will ultimately be dependent upon the availability of funding, and will likely employ a phased approach over several years.
The Commission is not proposing to fund or construct the new Mertarvik Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was a Cooperating Agency in the development of the FEIS and is expected to issue a separate Record of Decision related to potentially funding the construction of the new airport runway, taxiway, apron and appurtenant airport facilities.
Final Mertarvik EIS Complete with Signed ROD