
The table below summarizes the Commission’s investments by broad program area over the years. It includes funds made available directly to the Commission, as well as match funds for projects from partners such as the State of Alaska, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, etc. In total, Commission investments have resulted in over $2 billion of new infrastructure and workforce development initiatives in nearly every rural community in the state. Individual projects are summarized on the Commission’s public Project Database. The Database can be searched by community, recipient and/or project type.

Due to reduced federal appropriations, the Commission’s investments over the last several years have focused almost exclusively on the Energy/Bulk Fuel and Village Infrastructure Protection Programs.

1. New Infrastructure and/or energy efficiency related construction projects supported in whole, or in part, with Denali Commission funds. Note that this column does not include “soft” projects such as design only, studies, mapping, general community planning, etc.