1. | Native Village of Shishmaref | Sanitation Road Erosion Protection |
2. | Native Village of Unalakleet | Foothills Drive Design & Engineering |
3. | Cape Fox Corporation | George Inlet Cannery Development Project |
4. | Bristol Bay Native Association, Inc. | Qacarmiut Subdivision Road Design |
5. | Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium | Angoon Street Repaving and Utility Rehabilitation |
6. | Kawerak Inc. | Shaktoolik Community Streets |
7. | Tanana Chiefs Conference | Tanana Connectivity Feasibility Study |
8. | Cape Fox Corporation | North Coon Cove & Mahoney Lake Road |
9. | Bristol Bay Native Association, Inc. | Koliganek to Aleknagik Road Study |
10. | Ketchikan Gateway Borough | Parks Master Plan: Trails |
11. | Tanana Chiefs Conference | Regional Dust Control |
12. | Native Village of Chenega | Chenega Roads Rehab & Resurfacing Design & Permitting |
13. | Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority | Kowee Creek Transportation |
14. | Nulato Tribal Council | Nulato Waterfront Transportation Improvements & Equipment |
15. | Allakaket Village | New Subdivision Road |
16. | Healy Lake Village Council | Road Improvement Project |
17. | Copper Valley Economic Development Council Inc. | Regional Planning Organization Transportation Planning Assistance |
18. | Bering Straits Native Corporation | Port Clarence Mooring Project |
19. | Kawerak Inc. | Diomede Harbor Design |
20. | Yakutat City & Borough | Small Boat Harbor Project |
21. | Cordova, City of | South Harbor Reconstruction |
22. | Seldovia Village Tribe | Seldovia Bay Ferry Dock Implementation Plan |
23. | City Of Emmonak | Emmonak Dock Storage Project |
24. | Ketchikan Gateway Borough | Loring Dock Stabilization Design |
25. | False Pass, City of | False Pass Harbor House Construction |
26. | Akiak Native Community | Akiak Boat Landing Alternatives |
27. | Homer Spit Properties LLC | Nanwalek Barge Landing |
28. | Shann-Seet Inc. | Community Dock Project |
29. | North Pacific Rim Housing Authority | NPRHA Tatitlek Dock Renovation Engineering & Design |
30. | Metlakatla Indian Community | Emergency Small Boat Launch Annette Bay |
31. | Organized Village of Kasaan | Road to Kasaan Project |
32. | Alaska Municipal League | Cape Blossom Road |